EU VAT Registration Scam

Published on: 20/02/2014

This one has been around for a while now, but I recently received it and thought it was worth sharing.

EU VAT registration pg 1

EU VAT registration pg 2

You receive an official looking document headed “Publication of Companies and VAT Registration Numbers in the UK Corporate Portal 2014”.  The implication is that this is EU legislation that you don’t particularly have to understand, but must complete.  It is sent from a company based in Germany.  The temptation is to simply sign the second page, which is pre-filled form, and send it back in the stamped addressed envelope.  However, closer examination of the second page indicates a fee payable of £797.

It is, of course, a scam.  Our advice is to simply ignore it.

Please note: posts were written at a specific time and reflect the rules in place at that time, which may no longer be relevant. Furthermore, the posts are generic in nature. We cannot accept any responsibility for any losses in respect of actions taken on the strength of this generic advice. We would advise you to seek up to date advice which is relevant to your circumstances.
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